8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Central United Methodist Church
More Info
Location: Central United Methodist Church 639 N. 25th Street, Milwaukee 53233
This USCF rated tournament is a fundraising event to support WSCF’s Scholarship program. Since its inception in 2008, this program has awarded $24,775 to champions at WSCF tournaments and has paid out $13,663 to 30 graduating seniors. Funds are paid directly to students financial account at their college of attendance. Anyone wishing to contribute directly to this fund can do so directly by clicking on the orange donation button on the front page of our website. Your donation will allow us to increase the amount of these scholarships at our scholarship tournaments. Adults do not receive any scholarship funds. All proceeds from this tournament will go directly into WSCF’s Scholarship Fund Reserve account.
Format: USCF Rated 4 Round Swiss-style tournament. G45 (G40/d5).
Two divisions U1200 and Open. Divisions will be combined as needed. One scholarship is awarded if divisions are combined.
Round Times: 9:00, 10:45, 12:30 and 2:15.
Awards: Open 1st Place $250
U1200 1st Place $200
Eligibility: This tournament is open to players of all ages, adults, and students alike. Students from kindergarten through graduate school can earn scholarships. Funds will be paid to the student’s college or post-secondary their freshman year.
Entry: $20 advance registration and $25 onsite. Register and pay online at
Check-in and onsite registration from 8:00 to 8:40.
Information: Contact WSCF at 262-573- 5624 or
*These amounts will be awarded provided there are at least 30 registrations and donations to cover equivalent entry fees. If less is available and divisions are combined, then scholarships will be proportional to the funds raised and total entrance fees.